Cosmos Semi cooking Chapathi machine helps to press dough balls into even rounded sheets for chapathis / puris. As the pressing is done with heated plates, the chapathis are semi-cooked which will help storing before cooking. The thickness and size can be adjusted as per the user requirement. This machine ensures that even size and even thick chapathis are served to everyone. FEATURES:- Made of high quality food grade components Compact design saves precious space Saves time and labour Easy access to components facilitates easy maintenance Press time can be varied for desired output Wheels provided for easy mobility 4000 watts heating elements are provided at the top and bottom pressing plates for efficient heating *Works with pneumatic power to be supported by Compressor Chapathi machine Manufacturers in Bangalore. Chapathi machine suppliers in Chennai. Chapathi machine traders in Coimbatore. Chapathi machine Manufacturers in Cochin. Chapathi machine suppliers in Kochi. Chapathi machine traders in Andrapradhes. Capacities: 600 to 900 chapatti per hour. Click Here https://youtu.be/c7NexrPGkZo?si=liPPoNSP8o-8Stpx
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