Pressure Bratt Pan:- We are well established in the market as one of the foremost manufacturers and suppliers of Pressure Bratt Pan. These electrically operated pans are the multi functional appliances that are widely used in several commercial kitchens. Our pans are suitable for bulk boiling, frying, overnight cooking and steaming that is achieved without losing food quality and nutrition. Clients get facilitated by having the line of Pressure Bratt Pan at reasonable rates. FEATURES:- Manual operation Auto cleaning technique Pressure cooking functionality Automatic water filling and discharge Manual cooking and auto chef Complete automatic cleaning system Speed pressure cooking function Pressure reduction starting from just 1 min Capacities: 50, 75, 100 and 150 liters. Ideal for: Hotels and Restaurants, Industrial Canteens, Catering Companies, Institutions, Hospital Kitchens, RTE and RTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IHT4vptZDQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qS0VTgYnBSg& t=78s
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